Mysticism and Logic by Bertrand Russell

Company; n. The box you put yourself into or find yourself in. ~ Hero’s dictionary

Bertrand Russell 18 May 1872 – 2 February 1970. Mathematician, logician, analytic philosopher, Nobel Prize in Literature 1950

Sages Chapter 7
1.What is it to have faults? It is to have faults and not reform them.
2.The master said, ‘Rightness is more to man than fire or water.
3.’I have seen men die from treading on water or fire, but have never seen a man die from treading the course of rightness.
4.’There are three friendships which are advantageous. These are friendships with the upright, with the sincere, and with those of much observation.
5.’There are three friendships which are injurious. These are friendships with those of specious air, those who are insinuatingly soft, and those with glib tongues.
6.’There are three kinds of enjoyment which are advantageous. These are discriminating studies, speaking of the goodness of others, and possessing worthy friends.
The Good Book, made by A.C. Grayling

What I am committed to is the importance of exploring this sort of deliberation from the subjective perspective, that is, from the first personal, psychological point of view, where we assess different subjective values of outcomes that might arise from various acts we could perform. It is worth noting that this approach dovetails with a predominant cultural paradigm of how to approach decisions about our own lives. According to that paradigm, we approach many major life decisions as personal matters where a central feature of what is at stake is what it will be like for us to experience the outcomes of our acts, and where the subjective value we assign to an outcome depends upon what we care about, whatever that may be. ~ Transformative Experience, L.A. Paul – Oxford University Press

Whatever that may be. Whatever that may be. Whatever that may be.

Do you know what your whatever that may be?

Love is a good place to start. A good place to finish as well.

Author: Daniel Hero

A bit of this, a touch of that, hither, thither, here and there... look for me everywhere. Especially on

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