There is an old saying: “Never call a dog with a whip in your hand.”
I know. I had the very same reaction you just did. Or maybe not….
My initial reaction when I read this was, what sick motherfucker would be calling a dog with a whip in his hand? And two, no, three things came to mind in sequence immediately after.
The first was, oh yeah, this is an old saying. I mean, who do you see outside with a whip in their hand? Never mind the leash.
The second thing was, it was definitely a man that originated this saying. Come on, you know you saw a man when you pictured that hand.
The third was, just because the man is holding the whip, doesn’t mean he was the one who made the observation.
I’m pretty sure that was a woman.
In fact, I can see her there, feet shoulder width apart, hips slightly tilted with a fist riding on each, her face, the picture contempt makes when it looks down on the obvious, eyes rolling, smirking, absolutely trying not to laugh, not with but at, that which she sees before her, which is this:
A man, pissed off more than likely, running in circles, whip held high, shouting at a dog: “COME HERE!”
To which the woman replies, softly mind you, because she is no fool, “Never call a dog with a whip in your hand.”
That was my reaction at least.