101 Well Wishers

one hundred and one

well wishers, tread a sylvan road

picking up and leaving off

a careful harvest left ahead

by those planted before

twists of root and thorn

levy a toll on

the gentlest of slopes

all while nodding agreement

in elevation and clime.

one hundred and one

well wishers, thumb their coins

flashing impudently past

critics of art and ferrets of fate

listening for lonely

echoing cistern strikes

of promises unmet like

thieves crouched in closets

wishes are farthings when

dreams cost a dime

one hundred and one

well wishers, linked arm at elbow

comb a golden cornfield

open upturn mouths seek

manna raining down like

islands athwart the shore

scant feet above fertile soil

remembering days of

base clay and black vineyards

beside a usurped kingdom

one hundred and one

well wishers, apart stand as one

forever limned in dusk

toe in the rosy mourning

knowing full well

that hazy smudge of stars

sad heart songs and

gentlest loving lies

linger longingly best in

the darkest night.


Chapter 69: Fear

  1. Fear is the mother of safety and the father of courage.
  2. They who fear you present, will hate you absent.
  3. Fear is the parent of cruelty.
  4. Fear is stronger than love.
  5. Fear springs from ignorance.
  6. Fear kills more than disease.
  7. Foolish fear doubles danger.
  8. Share your courage, keep your fear to yourself.
  9. Nothing is as rash as fear.
  10. Nothing is terrible except fear itself.
  11. The fearless man is his own salvation.
  12. To fear the worst can cure the worse.
  13. Fear tames lions.
  14. If many fear you, fear the many.
  15. Fear does not guard duty.
  16. Fear makes people believe the worst.
  17. Fear, not mercy, restrains the wicked.
  18. Fear feels no pity when extreme danger threatens.
  19. It is torment to fear what cannot be overcome.
  20. Terror closes the ears and eyes.

The Good Book: A humanist bible made by A.C. Grayling

Fireside chat

New Library of Congress entry {sub cache albedo}#398722WW3

My fellow Americans, good evening.

You’ve all seen the videotape left behind by the former President.

All that we can say for now is, we are investigating the circumstances behind its discovery and we are testing it for authenticity.

The vice president’s body was found near Mar-a-lago, along with 4 of his secret service detail not long after the discovery of the videotape.

Currently, the Speaker of the House is under arrest by the FBI.

These are all things we already know.

In the coming hours, I will be releasing the full and unlikely details of how I came to be here, now, addressing you.

But first, a number of hard truths need spoken.

Too many of our great cities lie burning.

We mourn for New York, Washington D.C., Atlanta, Dallas, Los Angeles and Seattle.

San Francisco, Portland, Boston, and most of the lower eastern seaboard continue the fight. Know that we are with you and help is coming soon. Texas, Louisiana, and the entire Florida panhandle remain under US control, along with most of the heartland. Fighting is especially fierce in Arizona and southern California. There is no word from Alaska yet.

The good news is, our would be conquerors do not appear to have used nuclear weapons. This means they are interested in occupation and subjugation.

They picked the wrong country to invade.

For now, my fellow citizens, know that the fight has only begun.

We will prevail. We must prevail. So that government of the people, by the people, shall not perish from the Earth.

Thank you. Stay safe. Help one another. More information is coming soon.

If you’re inclined towards prayer, pray for us all.

Good night.


New Library of Congress entry {sub cache albedo}#398726WW3

My fellow Citizens, good evening.

It is with great pleasure and satisfaction I can announce to you that the war is over. If it were not for the people’s uprising in China and Russia, I fear I would not be able to make this statement today.

I have recently finished speaking with my counterparts in both Russia and China and similar announcements are being made to their respective citizens as we speak.

Here are the terms for the cessation of hostilities and a return to peace.

Here in the USSA, all territories occupied by Russian and Chinese troops and their allies are hereby withdrawn, unless they choose to remain and become citizens. Information for those who wish to do so can be found on the digital square.

All citizens and allies of the USSA [see addendum] are similarly withdrawn with the same exception.

All space based operations are forthwith joint ventures. Orbital weapons are hereby outlawed in perpetuity.

The United Secular States of America hereby proclaims the end of World War III.

We mourn not only our dead, but the billion around the globe.

Our already fragile planet teeters on the brink.

We can no longer afford war.

We can no longer afford ignorance and irresponsibility.

The fate of our species is at risk.

Fortunately, we have all we need to turn disaster into triumph.

Fusion power is a reality.

Nanotechnology and robotics can repair much of the damage given time.

Our artificially intelligent partners are already working with us to salvage and repair that which we can.

Genetic rejuvenation will ensure that the survivors of this, we hope humanity’s last war, will look back 100 years from now and smile on what we have accomplished.

Right now it is a race between invention and calamity. It has always been so. We will make it.

But in order for that to happen, we must grow up.

That means we are going to do some things a little differently.

The full list is available in the digital square. For the next 100 years, men are barred from executive positions, including the one I now occupy, unless by special fiat [see addendum].

Males between the ages of 18 and 28 are allowed to purchase and own weapons of mass lethality with the following caveat: permission by the last, not current, person you were in a romantic relationship with. On a rotating basis. AI examination is a permissible substitution.

Separation of church and state will be absolute. Violent eschatologies are no longer permitted in the halls of power.

Members of congress will be representative of the spectrum of human skills and training. No more than 10% of congress will be lawyers or business people. Citizens with a personal wealth qualifying them in the top 15% are barred from office. All transnational corporate entities will make their A.I.’s code available to the governing body. Direct lobbying of government [see addendum] is prohibited.

Voting is mandatory. Henceforth July 4th, will not only be independence day, it is also voting day when applicable.

Citizens are responsible for basic civic knowledge and current events which apply, as mitigated and tested by your digital assistant [see addendum].

Votes are tallied in the digital square, under worldwide supervision.

World citizenship voting rules can be found in the digital square. Revised federal schedules can be found in the digital square.

We commit ourselves to the restoration of our planet and ourselves as stewards of all life, not just our own.

The cradle is nice but we can’t stay here forever.

To this end, the USSA, Russia and China, commit to reallocating military expenditure towards a shared project of widespread human presence in our solar system. This is not only a lofty goal, but a necessary one.

The war has cost us all heavily and frankly we need the resources. Initial plans can be found in the digital square. Citizens are encouraged to join these efforts. We need each and every one of you.

A basic minimum income is hereby instituted. No citizen will live in poverty. This does not free you from your duties as a citizen or a human being [see addendum].

Lifelong education is a right. Pursue your dreams so they may lift us all.

There are some of you who will chafe at the coming changes. You will not be subjugated or forced to live as second class citizens. Options are being entertained so you may live your lives according to paths you’ve chosen for yourselves if you find you cannot do so with us.

Our AI partners are working on this. Possible options include, deep sleep until a time of your choosing, passage on an O’Neil colony, or even a section of the globe where you can pursue your own truth, unmolested by the rest. We earnestly hope you choose to help us according to your faith.

You will not be permitted to threaten the species any longer however. The closest religious creed of the USSA is the golden rule.

Transitions are hard. We will get through it.

For now, celebrate my fellow citizens. The war is over.

I believe that only those who do not seek power are fit to exercise it. To that end, my resignation is immediate. All executive power is hereby transferred to our new President. Please show her the same support and unflagging efforts you afforded to me.

Thank you.

Peace to you all.

Good night.

A little soda water and that’ll come right out

I mentioned that I saw this place as part cave drawing, part message in a bottle, and part sacrificial altar. So far, I think I’ve done enough of the first two and not enough of the third.

It’s time to sharpen the knives.

Who’s on the menu?

It’s best not to ask of others what you’re reluctant to do yourself. Looks like I’m going to have to shuffle up the steps of the ziggurat.

I also said that I’ll always tell you the truth as best as I can discern it. Hopefully, you’ll see that I mean business.

I am an excellent liar. Always have been. You could even say I was particularly trained to it.

I like to think people who have known me (ex wife excluded) these last two decades would chuckle if they heard me say this, because I’ve also been told my entire life that I wear my heart on my sleeve.

Hell, I had a staff sergeant say it to me when I was standing in the induction line after I enlisted, hair freshly gone and waiting for my new clothes.

“Kid, you better learn to hide your emotions or they’re going to eat you alive.” His exact words. I’m still not sure if he meant the emotions would eat me alive or the upcoming drill sergeants. Maybe he meant both.

And he said it out of the blue, as he was walking by.

But even by then, I was an excellent liar. I’d learned far before how to use my lack of a poker face as an advantage. Not only that, but long prior to his advice I took to heart something I read from Heinlein when I was 12.

One of the best ways to lie is to tell the truth. Or at least as closely to it as you can hew.

That’s why I added the qualifier to my vow to you: …as best as I can discern it.

Let me give you an example of telling a lie while also telling the emotional and factual truth.

I completed basic training a few days after my 19th birthday. A couple weeks later I was stationed in Germany. I loved Germany; my being stationed there was one of my conditions for enlistment. It’s the one time you can make a deal with the military. It’s also one of the reasons why they recruit as young as they can. But that’s another story, let’s fast forward a bit.

I was in Germany for about 8 months when my roommate and I were woken by a pounding on our barrack’s door. This wasn’t anything new, as my squad leader could attest. This time though, it was at 3 am, which is unusual even for the infantry, alerts excepted.

This was a surprise urinalysis test.

You need some historical context here, I feel. I’m 50 years old at the time of this writing. The mathematically inclined will already have done the subtraction and or addition and placed this event squarely in time. I’m not one of those people.

I was in the army when Reagan was president. That was the guy who was married to the woman who wanted me to just say no. Oh baby, I not only had burnt that bridge, I took the smoldering ruins and built a shrine to hedonism. I only hadn’t said no, I was always on the lookout for the opportunity to say yes.

Once, I dropped acid on a regular work day, in the army, just to break the monotony. It’s a special kind of fun when your buddies know you’re tripping and they try to provoke a response while you’re standing in formation at attention. For all you righteous assholes out there who think I disrespected the uniform, fuck you. I grew up watching MASH and reading Catch-22. I know what deserves respect, I think.

But that’s not what they found in my urine. You couldn’t detect LSD in urine back then. I’m not sure you can now. But I digress, my apologies. No, they found, from what I can remember, the fantastic Lebanese hash I’d been smoking.

I wasn’t the only one who got caught. But I was the lowest ranking one who got caught. This turned out to be important, I think.

Because here’s where we get to the part where I told a lie using both emotional and factual truth.

There’s six of us. We’re sitting outside the C.O.’s office, waiting our turn to be called in.

Five go in. Each come out, looking let’s say, properly chastised. Or to put it in military terms, each with a company grade Article 15. The military has their own legal system called the UCMJ, the uniform code of military justice. A company grade article 15 is the highest punishment you can get short of, if I recall correctly, a brigade grade Article 15. In this case, loss of rank, loss of pay on top of that, one month of extra duty (that’s the part which really sucks), and confined to barracks for the same time.

I thought I could do better.

Top – that’s the first sergeant, the highest ranking NCO of the company -calls me in. I enter and stand at attention.

The company commander reads the charges and asks me if I want to appeal.

I decline.

He then reads me the consequences of a company grade article 15. You already know that part.

And here it comes. He then asks me, is there anything I would like to say that he should take into consideration before he decides if I get the full weight of the article 15.

I then ask him for permission to speak freely. He doesn’t grant it.

So I tell him this, and I mean every damn word.

“Sir, I knew exactly what I was doing. I rolled the dice and I lost. I accept the maximum penalty whatever that may be.”

You thought that I was trying to get less punishment, not more. Oh no, I was hoping he’d see exactly how much I meant what I said, and kick me out of the army altogether.

Not only did it not work, for a long time I thought it backfired to my benefit. Years later, I wondered if I only got what I gave. Because here’s what happened after I told my lie carefully shrouded in truth.

He said, “Hero, every one of those guys came in here and told me some hard luck story. I was running with the wrong crowd. It was the first time I ever did it. I was just around those who were smoking it and I must have breathed it in. All bullshit. You’re the only one who didn’t. Effective immediately, you’ve got the maximum penalty under Article 15. Keep your nose clean from now on and you’re going to be the first one to get his rank back. Dismissed.”

What followed was a month of the shittiest detail I can ever remember doing. You know, scrubbing toilets shitty. And that was after working all day. Every day, weekends too.

Two months after that, I was a PFC again. First one to get my rank back.

For a long time, I thought the story ended there. But I was too young at the time to know better.

Because shortly after I got my rank back, I was taken out of the motor pool, where I drove a freezing cold armored personnel carrier equipped with a TOW missle launcher, and was reattached to supply. Where I did paper work in a warm, cozy office. Oh, also, anyone who works in supply gets their ass royally kissed. Need a fluffier pillow? Out of toilet paper? Go see Hero.

I just remember being asked if I could type. Years later, I think it was more than that.

I think, my company commander read me like I did my favorite book. He not only didn’t kick me out, which is what I wanted, he rewarded me for my “honesty” by giving me my rank back quickly. Not only did he not kick me out, he moved me to supply. Give me a nice cushy job and see if I rise to the challenge. He had access to my personal record, all the tests and scores that start getting tallied even before you take the oath. He probably thought I’d figure it out.

Except I didn’t. Not until long after my honorable discharge.

That’s just one example of how to lie using the truth. There are others. Take it from a master.

My point is, and this is true no matter who says it, that the truth can be a shifting proposition. Sometimes the truth changes over time. Some truths are as old as the universe itself. The important thing is your relationship with the truth. Do you dress it up like an expensive escort, issue it a uniform and march it up and down the square, or do you worship it like a god?

And make a sacrifice on the altar.


I see –

corrugated refractions

incessant distractions

wheeling skies

unheard cries

congenial fashions

windswept passions

outstretched theft

unmeasured heft

cold disputations

warm incantations

singular focus

hocus pocus

lost translations

awkward hesitations

waiting cymbals

dusty hymnals

strident quotations

surprise visitations

pulsing signs

sharpened tines

sly refutations

queasy reputations

overgrown trails

rusted nails

sad dispensations

tepid conversations

absent friends

auspicious ends.

Maybe there is one after all

Yesterday I wrote a bit about how I felt about religion.

You can imagine my surprise when I opened my mailbox today and found a flyer from the [name redacted] Baptist church, cordially inviting me to their services. It was addressed “Resident.”

One is almost tempted to see providence.

Again, I’m a firm believer in manners, so I took the time to write the [name redacted] Baptist church, thanking them for their concern.

Here is the letter, sent mere moments ago.

Dear [name redacted] church,

Thank you for the flyer I found in my mail. It was unexpected and very welcome.

I was a member of a Baptist church in Arizona and I learned a great many things from church.

But the most important thing I learned is that you should be ashamed of yourself.

We humans are a selfish, arrogant, mean spirited, petty, back stabbing, short sighted, foolish, irresponsible, two faced, ignorant, irritating, close minded, self deceiving destroyers of God’s green Earth.

And you’re part of the reason why.

This is where you’re going to stop reading and that’s a shame.

You thought it was perfectly ok to send me a flyer asking me to attend your church. The least you can do is listen to my reply. If you had a sliver of courage you’d read this aloud during your next service.

Maybe I’m out there, listening to see if you have the testicles.

I doubt it.

Because the truth is, you, and I’m talking about you, Pastor whoever you are, are a grifter.

I mean, look at the money you spent on that mass mailing. I’m sure that money came from parishioners, am I right? Or was it donated by a single, moved by the spirit, benefactor? You know, to get people to come to the church and give more…um, I mean worship.

Maybe you even believe what it is you preach. That makes you no better.

Because even if you live a life of poverty, which is you know, what Jesus told you to do, then you’re still stealing something. Something more precious than money.

You’re stealing people’s ability to think for themselves. When you say God did it, all questioning ends. If you knew anything at all, you would know the beginning of wisdom is the question, the end of wisdom is acceptance.

And that’s what you’re selling right? Wisdom?

Your product is defective.

It had a good run, I’ll give you that.

But it’s well past its shelf life.

Your religion invented a disease and the cure at the same time.

You state on your website that good deeds are not enough to get into heaven.

Which means, we need you, right?

How convenient. I need neither your bible nor your god to be or do good in this, the only world, the only life, any of us ever get.

To waste any time listening to the oldest con in the history of mankind is a tragedy.

I know I’m shouting into the void here but I’ve gone this far so I might as well go whole hog.

To you, the good people out in the audience who will never hear this, I say:

There is good and evil in this world. That is undeniable. It all comes from us. No devil is there lurking over your shoulder, nor angel. There is no one who can hear your thoughts but you.

You still have a duty to do good in this world. We all know it when we see it. You know you do. The bible doesn’t have the answers you need. You don’t need this charlatan to tell you how to love, live, and die.

Go home, pick up a book other than the bible. Any book, just about.

Read it.

Repeat with a different book. Don’t stop.

Go in peace.

The resident.

After sending this off and leaving the unredacted name of the church up for a bit, I was convinced that in dangerous times wise men keep silent. The same source paradoxically advises that even the wise must at times play the fool. I hope I’ve struck the right balance.

I hope I delivered the mental equivalent of a sharp kick to the shins towards the pastor of [name redacted]. More likely, it wasn’t even read.

Still, felt good to say.

Monks, models, and Moses

Let’s talk about religion.

And there goes about half of you. Pity too, as it’s probably the half that most ought to give this one a read. If I haven’t lost you, then this next sentence might just send you fleeing as well.

I have a great amount of respect for religion.

I hear you out there, reader of Beginnings, and it’s true, I stated at the very start: “I will tell you the truth as best as I can discern it” (I love it when I get to quote myself, it’s base intellectual masturbation, but the best I can do is shamefully admit it). And now, if you’ve been paying attention, you think I’ve gone and broken that promise already. Just to prove that I haven’t, I’m going to say it again.

I have a great amount of respect for religion.

I also have a great amount of respect for poison ivy, dogs I don’t know, and people who have been beautiful their entire lives. They won’t automatically bite you but each is well advised to treat cautiously.  I’m going for the spirit of respect, the kind Aretha spells out.

I see that I’m going to have to make my case, so here we go:

For a very very long period of human history, the only learned people were religious men. It almost seems a conspiracy that the women in history, especially ancient history, didn’t get as much good press. Usually these learned men would devote themselves to just one book. Sometimes a series, if you look at some religions other than Christianity. I can make the case that the New Testament is really a sequel, and the book of Mormon an attempt at franchise but that’s not my aim here. Any cursory reading of history reveals that if it were not for religion, mankind would be the lesser for it.

Let me give you a concrete example. I’ll even use the bible to illustrate.

In the middle ages, the learned men of the day used a technique called the four levels of meaning. They applied this technique as a tool for greater understanding of their favorite book, the bible. Don’t let the designations intimidate you, in fact, you can dispense with them altogether, it’s what they represent which is important, and I’m going to give examples for each. Not only that, let’s use the same example for all four levels of meaning. In this case, the Exodus (That’s the story of Moses leading his people to the promised land, for all of you who didn’t go to Sunday school).

The first level of the four levels of meaning is the easy one, literal. For our monk in the middle ages pouring over his bible, this represents the historical event which is being described – Moses telling Pharaoh he’s fucked, the subsequent flight into the desert, and ultimately the deliverance to the promised land.

The second of the four levels of meaning is allegorical. This represents any figure in the bible that foreshadows or anticipates a figure in the New Testament. In this case, Moses is an allegorical representation of Christ, in that his story mirrors Jesus’ (Savior of his people and usher to the promised land, gave his life in the process, etc).

The third of the four levels of meaning is tropological, this is the moral meaning being conveyed. For our studious monk, this is the account of Moses’ personal salvation.

The last of the four levels of meaning is anagogical. Applied to the bible, this represents the spiritual truth of the story. Here is where we will leave our dutiful monk, deep in the throes of religious ecstasy, contemplating the spiritual truth of death as a doorway to eternal life.

So why would I, an avowed secular humanist, see anything to respect in the way a monk from the middle ages filtered his understanding of a book that I, to put it charitably, don’t view with the same level of devotion he does?

Just because I don’t like what you build with a hammer, doesn’t mean I throw away the hammer.

Let’s go through them again, this time, leaving the bible out and putting ‘literature’ in.

Literal: The story.

Allegorical: A universal human truth.

Tropological: Same, the moral meaning.

Anagogical: Take out the words spiritual truth and replace with mystical vision. Or mix and match, if that makes more sense to you.

It’s important to remember that our shared history is comprised of not just events which may or may not have happened but those events were witnessed, lived, and recorded by people who may or may not have been there. People who fell along the same spectrum of ability and emotional range as we do. People with the same sorts of agendas that we share. We don’t enjoy a higher moral or intellectual level in spite of them but because of them.

And that’s why I have a great respect for religion. There are times when they were the only keepers of the flame. Even when they’re wrong the best of religion still seeks truth. You have to respect that.

That also means we MUST give credit where credit is due. For this, I am indebted to Dante Alighieri who is the original thinker behind the example of Moses and the four levels of meaning.

Literature nerds can find the original in Dante’s Epistle X (Letter to Can Grande). Additional thanks also to Edward Quinn and his always useful dictionary of literary and thematic terms.

Now don’t get me started about the Library of Alexandria.

Scaring people is a shitty way of making friends. ~Aphorisms, Apothegms, and Axioms

I’m thinking Gordon-Levitt as Doc

I’m a fantastically pampered introvert so I have the luxury of spending quite a bit of time in my imagination. Time travel scenarios are a favorite mental diversion of mine. Usually this is something along the lines of – if I could bring forward [insert person from history] what would they think about [topic that made me think of her in the first place]. So it isn’t surprising that I was thinking the other day about that esteemed work of American cinema, Back To The Future.

Back to the future got me thinking more personally. Specifically, what event in my family’s history would make me most vulnerable, existence wise? Marty McFly just had to make sure his parents hooked up. So if there were a time traveling assassin, when would he most likely be able to make sure Daniel Hero never draws his first breath?

It was a no brainer. And if I had to play the role of Marty, I’d rather attempt this rescue than make sure my parents hooked up. One shudders.

I introduce to you, ladies and gentlemen, the hero of our story: My maternal grandfather, Jones “Doc” Savage. His nickname was taken from the pulp fiction character, not the other way around.

The scene: Inside the cockpit of a Japanese scout plane on May 7th, 1942, over the Coral Sea.

It is morning. The pilot of the plane is an outlier for a strike force led by Admiral Takagi. Below him, their wakes forming a distinctive V pattern, the pilot sees two American ships. He radios back to the strike force that he has spotted a carrier and a cruiser. He is mistaken.

Admiral Takagi promptly orders all of his planes to attack what is actually the USS Neosho, a refueling tanker and its escort, the destroyer USS Sims.

The attack consists of three waves. The first two are largely ineffectual, due to skillfull anti-aircraft fire and maneuvering of the destroyer, led by Lieutenant Commander William Arthur Griswold.

But I’m not going to tell the whole story, we have senior petty officer Bob Dicken for that:

From: Dicken, R.J., C.S.M., U.S. N.
To: The C.O. U.S.S. Neosho.
Subject: Personal observations of SIMS #409 disaster.

On May 7 at 0930 I was in the Chief’s quarters and heard a man in #1 handling room exclaim that a bomb had lit right alongside. General Quarters sounded immediately and duty gun opened fire. Upon reaching bridge the other guns had commenced firing on horizontal bombers. Recognition signals were attempted but no reply.

There were a large number of our shells which failed to burst at the beginning of the attack but after several rounds, number unknown, the fuse settings seemed to be operating satisfactory as bursts were observed near the enemy planes.

At beginning of attack Sims went to full speed and patrolled on either bow of tanker. Our gunfire seemed very effective in keeping the planes high and on the move.

Observed one bomb score near miss, port side, amidships. No damage reported. One casualty, slight shoulder wound, on #2 gun. Man treated during lull and returned to gun.

High level attack lasted ten to fifteen minutes.

For next two hours several Radar contacts made, distance fifteen to twenty miles, but no planes appeared.

#1 gun appeared to be blistered.

About 1155 planes approached, identification attempted and upon no response the order to commence fire was given. Enemy planes began dive bombing attack on tanker. A steady rate of fire was maintained from all 5″ guns.

About 1215 Sims received direct hit on or near after set torpedo tubes. Bomb apparently pierced deck and exploded in after engine room. Deck buckled forward of after deck house. Radar fell across gig. Received two more hits, one on after deck house, port side forward, which appeared to have caused only local damage. Another hit on #4 gun caused local damage. #1 and #2 guns were continuing to fire by local control.

Personnel was ordered off bridge and reported to Assistant Chief Engineer Ensign Tachna who ordered us to take off our shoes and put motor whale boat in water.

Numerous fireroom personnel seemed uninjured by first hit in engine room. This force assisted in lowering boat. Two men in boat when lowered. Boat began drifting clear of side. I went over the side, swam to boat, took tiller and began picking up personnel in water.

The Captain, still on bridge, ordered me aft to try to get aboard to flood after magazines and extinguish fire on after deck house. This was necessary due to fact that main deck between after deck house and machine shop was awash.

An attempt was made to get aboard. Ship began settling from aft, whale boat pulled clear and immediately afterwards the boilers blew up followed by another but smaller explosion. The ship broke in two parts, and sank.

All men that were not apparently dead were taken aboard, search made for two life rafts with from ten to twenty (total) men aboard. We then proceeded to tanker and placed ourselves under that command. There were fifteen Sims survivors in boat.

I have questioned Sims survivors for more data but no further information available.

Respectfully submitted                                                                                       Robert James Dicken C.S.M.

There’s more:

  1. I never saw any sign of panic. Everyone was on their stations doing their job and the whole ship worked as a well organized unit until the end. Discipline was excellent.
  2. There are a few outstanding things that I can remember in addition to the above report:The number one gun crew stood by their gun and kept up a steady rate of fire after the paint on their gun was burning and the ship was at such an angle that the decks were awash. The Chief Engineer was wounded severely but carried out several duties under extremely difficult conditions. He tried to fire the forward set of torpedo tubes to assist the Captain in lightening the ship and to remove the danger of the torpedoes exploding aboard. He also extinguished the fire on the torpedo deck house at the time. One outstanding act was done by an enlisted man named E.F. MUNCH, MM2c, just before he jumped over the side to be picked up by my boat, he secured a depth charge to the deck so it would not go over the side or accidently explode on deck.
  3. The last I saw of the Commanding Officer he was standing on the bridge when the ship was blown up by the explosion. He showed an example of courage throughout the entire engagement.
  4. To the best of my knowledge and belief all muster rolls, log books and valuable papers went down with the Sims. We did not have any books or papers in my boat at all. My boat was not loaded with a view to permanently abandon ship. The Captain believed that he could save the ship and was doing everything in his power to do so right up until the ship blew up and sank.
  5. During the entire four days of hard work in the boat, part of which time we were alongside the Neosho, and part clear of the Neosho, the conduct of the men was very good. We did the best we could to provision the boat and prepare it for sea. For the first three days we were repairing the 18 inch hole in the boat.
  6. Our small boat was left tied up alongside the Neosho when we were taken aboard the Henley. When the Neosho was fired on and purposely sunk, this boat went down with her. No property of any kind remains of the Sims.
  7. To the best of my knowledge and belief the following are the only survivors of the U.S.S. Sims:



    VESSIA, V.J. F2c Unknown
    LAWES, J. Jr. Sea2c Unknown
    TEVEBAUGH, J.W. RM3c Unknown
    GOBER, A.C. Sea2c Unknown
    CHMIELEWSKI, J. F1c Unknown
    SCOTT, M.W. F3c Unknown
    VERTON, J.C. Sea2c Unknown
    ERNST, G.E. FC3c Unknown
    SAVAGE, J. FC3c Unknown
    MUNCH, E.F. MM2c Unknown
    CANOLE, V.F. MM2c Unknown
    REILLY, T.F. WT1c Unknown
    CLARK, (unknown) CY Unknown
    PELIES, E.M. Sea2c Unknown
    DICKEN, R.J. CSM Unknown

    I am the senior petty officer in this group of survivors. Of this list two men are now dead, they are: Chief Yeoman CLARK, who died the first night we were in the boat and PELIES, E.M., who died in the sick bay on board the Henley. To the best of my knowledge and belief there are no other survivors of the Sims.

    Robert James Dicken, CSM.


    And there he is, ninth down on the survivors list. Of the 192 person complement, 13 survive.

    If you were a time traveling assassin, that would be my first choice. True, you’d be putting yourself in a huge amount of danger, but hey, this is my movie.

    Now suppose you screw it up. Our hero, Doc Savage, is one tough bastard and he survives the attack by the Japanese, the four days at sea in a leaking boat, and whatever nefarious scheme you failed at to make sure Daniel Hero never draws breath. Perhaps I owe a particular debt to the tenaciousness of one MUNCH, E.F. Or maybe that’s the name I make sure is on my uniform when I board the Sims.

    You’re in luck, time traveling assassin, because you’ve got a second chance.

    And this time, you have some personal knowledge, something that would never be reflected by history in the form of ship logs kept on the internet.

    Here’s the story told to his daughter, my mother:

    “Just a few days before the Sims sank, I drew my pay. I didn’t have my money on me when the ship blew up and I was tossed into the sea. So after I was rescued by the Henley, I made sure to buy a money belt and the only time I didn’t wear it was in the shower.

    The next ship I served on, the USS DeHaven, was attacked by the Japanese 9 months after the sinking of the Sims. During that attack, I forgot to pull down the hatch of my fire control station. One of the exploding bombs blew me out of the open hatch. I came to in the water wearing nothing but my shoes and my moneybelt.”

    He was wounded; among his injuries, one of his eyes was blown out of his socket. Marines fished him out of the water, stuck his eye back into the socket and bandaged him up. The DeHaven had just been commissioned 133 days before Japanese dive bombers destroyed it.

    The navy never put him on a third destroyer and my grandfather earned a second nickname, Jonah. I guess they figured he was bad luck for everyone but himself. As I said, he was a tough bastard.

    And there you have it, my stalker in time, your second chance. It wouldn’t take much, just a well timed, “Hey, make sure and button up Doc!” Do it just right and there is no Sherry Savage and by extension, no Daniel Hero.

    When I say that fighting Nazis and their allies are in my blood, I don’t mean that as metaphor.

    And you thought I was going to talk about Biff Tannen.

Sponge worthy

Have you noticed my generous use of the first person pronoun so far? During my college years, this practice was actively encouraged in many of my English classes. Reflective writing, was the pedagogical term in vogue.

Reflective writing assignments start with questions such as – how did this make you feel, do you know anyone in your life who, and when was there a time you noticed? I reflected so much if I stood in the sun too long I smelled smoke. Women would face me and apply makeup. I resented it too, mostly because I viewed it as a teaching tactic to get students to write. If I want to talk about myself, I’ll hide it in a story or a poem, thanks. Putting words down on paper for a teacher was never one of my problems. They are the perfect captive audience. Reflective writing also ran counter to how I was taught to write in the lower grades.

Academic discourse is the antithesis of reflective writing, in practice if not in spirit. The first person pronoun should not appear. Notice the word should. That’s good advice no matter where you run across it. Especially when you’re saying it to yourself. The term academic discourse beautifully encapsulates both its power and its failing. Let’s pull that term down to the first grade and you’ll see what I mean. School talk. The language of school. It is the voice of the overmind – cool, detached, impersonal.

Its strengths are mighty. Academic discourse is – highly structured, relies on argument, comparison, observation, a liberal use of evidence (in the form of quotes and page citations, for example), and at its best strives to achieve integration of previously unseen ideas into an innovative, or even unique, perspective. Educators love it because it is a great tool for assessing knowledge.

Its failings are equally mighty. It quickly descends into jargon and is used by the talented lexicographer to obfuscate a scintillating exiguity of perspicacity (those who use big words to hide their bullshit). But most know it by its mightiest failing: It’s boring. Academic discourse is only of interest to a small group of people – those who are made to write it, those who are forced to read it, and those cursed souls who are compelled to it for the same reason the moth loves the flame.

Like knowledge and wisdom, academic discourse and reflective writing are best when combined. That’s why I love literature. At least, what I call literature. Very few of my favorite books are canon. The word canon is jargon. I’m not going to define it for you, if you don’t know it, go look it up (Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary definition 3c). It’s a good word to know. Chances are excellent you have a canon in your profession as well. You sure as hell have one in your church.

I’ve often thought most people learn things like a dry sponge under the tap. Absorption isn’t immediate, especially if you’ve got the water going full blast. The water bounces off, beads, and pools. The sponge actually resists the torrent; if it is really dry you have to give it a good squeeze while soaking it from all angles so the water can penetrate.

Also, I’ve noticed most people don’t learn new things like a full sponge under the tap. No new water can get in, especially if you’ve got the tap going full blast. The water bounces off, beads, and pools. It actually resists the torrent; if the sponge is really wet you have to give it a good squeeze away from the faucet so new water can penetrate.

You’d think the best learning takes place when evaporation and intake are in harmony, a steady drip under the faucet, if you like. This way, you avoid the squeeze. But that way too often leads to a stagnant, smelly sponge.

No, in order to wring the most out of this analogy, you really need the squeeze.

This has nothing to do with politics.

This has everything to do with politics.

Bra; n. A subject to keep well abreast, as difficulty often disguises itself in the lingerie of simplicity and vice versa. ~Hero’s Dictionary

Pushing it with a coal miner’s daughter

I like music, don’t you? I like all sorts of music, which I think is more common than not. We pretty much all have a favorite genre, at least for right now. Most of us are predictable though, we ease into the sounds of our formative years, or are forcibly reminded of them if you get old enough.

If you’re anywhere in between middle school and high school, I am going to make an astounding prediction: The music you and your friends are listening to will more or less disappear for decades. It will reappear in the advertisements for whatever old people are buying in the future.

If there are old people in the future. But that’s another discussion entirely.

Right now, both Salt-N-Pepa and Dee Snyder appear in Geico commercials.

My male childhood friends were mostly into metal. I remember how excited my friend Jim was when he’d get a new album. Yeah, actual albums. He had “Kill ’em All,” everything by Motorhead, and shitty bands you’ve never heard of, like Venom. I was never a fan. There’s songs I like, just like there are country songs I like, but I don’t care for either genre, generally speaking.

I have great respect for rap music. Rappers are wordsmiths. Anyone who delights in playing with words and language is someone I have a certain amount of respect for. Same goes for metal and country. But like metal and country, I don’t listen to a lot of rap music.

So I asked myself what was the common theme that tied those three genres together. At first, I thought I disliked each of them for different reasons. Metal was too loud and I got plenty of screaming at home. Country was what my parents listened to and therefore was the soundtrack of misery. I came of age during the same time as the birthing of rap and hip-hop, but I was geographically and economically removed from the places of first adoption. Or, to be blunt, I was a white kid in Tucson and the only time I heard it was when it was on MTV. And it took David Bowie leaning on MTV to get anything that wasn’t white on MTV.

I do remember the first album that grabbed me by the bones, balls, and brain. You’re going to hear it and either feel the same way about it, maybe like a song or two, or you never liked it for the same reason I don’t have Jay-Z in my shuffle list. I think I am in good company; there’s a reason that record stayed in the billboard album chart for 741 weeks. Music trivia buffs, that one is for you.

But I don’t listen to Dark Side of the Moon much anymore. I’ve heard it too many times. Like my favorite books, I let it marinate in it’s own juices for years and then come back to it.

And then it clicked. The reason why I fell insanely in love with Dark Side of the Moon and can’t abide metal. Or most country. And a great deal of rap. It’s the same reason for my love and my distaste.


Wait what?

You’re going to tell me you understand “Us and Them” and can’t figure out “Push it” (push it real good)? That “The Great Gig in the Sky” is plain as day and “Coal miner’s daughter” is a fucking mystery? Is that what you’re trying to say?

Yes. And you know what I mean. There’s the obvious, “I don’t understand because I can’t single out what they’re shouting/rapping,” then there’s the cultural disconnect that I have with hip-hop/rap and country and to a lesser degree, metal. I mean c’mon, there’s not a whole lot of difference between a metal redneck and a country redneck. Hell, I’ve known people that were both. But generally there is a difference. And no, I don’t think that because you like metal you’re a redneck or because you like country you’re a redneck. I use the label redneck as a description, not an insult. If you must see it as an insult I prefer Jeff Foxworthy’s definition: “characterized by a glorious lack of sophistication.”

Music is a touchstone of culture. Culture is learned. Culture can also be unlearned, but not without great trauma, or effort and a good deal of time. In the case of Native Americans, all of the above.

Far harder is the other way culture changes, not by removal but by addition. You know, the sane way.

The American way.

It’s what we do. There would be no Pink Floyd without rock and roll. There would be no rock and roll without jazz (god I love jazz). There would be no jazz without black spiritual music. There would be no black spiritual music in America without the rhythms of Africa. Culture accumulated. Brutally at first (some argue still and I concur), as was the way of humanity for most of humanity.

But let’s not lose the tree inside the forest. Metal, country, and rap. On the one hand, I can say that I don’t enjoy them because I don’t understand the culture they represent. That’s painting with a broad brush and I understand that. On the other hand, you could say that I don’t enjoy them because I do understand them, or think that I do, which then halts any possibility at growth.

It’s why the guy who thinks there’s only two kinds of music, country and western, is a kindred soul with the guy who only listens to classical music, and that would be Schubert not Brahms, thank you very much.

Each one understands the other quite well. Or they think they do. There’s no tune either one can play that the other can stand. At least not for long. Inevitably, there’s going to be a struggle over who controls the play list. Or else silence is going to be the only thing they can agree on.

Did you see what I did there? Did you catch the false dichotomy?

Because of course there are other options. They could each listen to something neither likes. One could learn to like the other. Both could learn to appreciate the other. Or at least take turns.

But that doesn’t happen, does it? Especially if the tune is so loathsome that you simply cannot stomach it. There is bad music out there, we all know it when we hear it, jarring and discordant. I don’t mind music I don’t understand. I do very much mind music incompetently played.

Or used to march the young off to die.

I don’t know. But I do have the urge to add some Jay-Z, Garth Brooks, and Iron Maiden to my play list.